We supply and operate specialist camera equipment to capture international events and shoots from around the world


aerial camera filming aerialunit

Aerial Unit

aerial camera filming railswire

Rails & wires

aerial camera filming trackingvehicle

Tracking Vehicles

aerial camera filming smartheadremotes

Smarthead™ Robotics

aerial camera filming minicams


aerial camera filming RF Pico Move

RF Pico Move

aerial camera filming FanCAM


aerial camera filming eyeflyer


aerial camera filming project

Project Work

What Our Clients Say

  • "Your expertise and knowledge of specialist systems was a vital contribution in creating those dynamic shots"
    Director, Channel 4 Racing
  • "ACS are without doubt the most innovative and imaginative specialist camera company in Europe. If they haven't got it, they'll make it and if they haven't thought of it, it probably isn't worth thinking about."
    Director, Sky Sports
  • "Your whole operation was a vital part of the 'pool' output and the result of your work was spectacular"
    Sky News
  • "ACS are the perfect supplier. Their energy and expertise are a match for the most testing projects... and producers"
    Film Nova International
  • "Your expertise and knowledge of specialist systems was a vital contribution in creating those dynamic shots"
    Director, Channel 4 Racing
  • "ACS are without doubt the most innovative and imaginative specialist camera company in Europe. If they haven't got it, they'll make it and if they haven't thought of it, it probably isn't worth thinking about."
    Director, Sky Sports